Starting Solid Foods: Is Baby Led Weaning The Best way?

Baby hands grabbing large finger foods from wooden plate at table.

In recent years, the question of what’s the best way to start baby on solid foods has morphed into, "Is Baby Led Weaning the best way to start solids?"

Many parents think their only options are Baby Led Weaning (BLW) or months of spoon-feeding their babies mushy purees.

Feeding is one of my specialties as a pediatric Occupational Therapist, and I have advanced training and experience in this area. I coach families through a more responsive, flexible, individualized way of introducing solids to baby.

A one-size-fits-all approach has no place in baby feeding so before I dive into the approach I recommend, here are some important overarching concepts to keep in mind regardless of what approach you take to introducing solids:

We Are Designed To Protect Ourselves

Biology has given us a complex and valuable set of reflexes - a lot of them having to do with our mouths, since that's a source of potential poisoning, choking, infection and other threats to our species' survival. 

Offering solid food textures before baby is developmentally ready feels unsafe to your child on the most basic, biological level.

We are also biologically programmed to develop aversions (or extreme avoidance and dislike of) to foods that make us vomit, gag, retch and/or feel sick. This is protective and normal.  Unpleasant feeding experiences can quickly lead to feeding aversions.

Additionally, the gag reflex - designed to keep food out of the airway - isn't 100% effective. So it's important that the foods we introduce as first foods have the lowest choking risk possible.

Two of the most important aspects of early feeding are the feelings of SAFETY and PLEASURE.

Anxiety Is Contagious

One of the most pervasive dynamics I've seen in situations when a child has feeding issues - whether those are extreme pickiness, volume limiting, refusing certain textures or tastes or others - is high anxiety of the parent and child around food.

This anxiety isn't even limited to mealtimes. Parents worry at the grocery store and fret while packing lunches. Kids meltdown when they smell dinner cooking or gag at the sight of a spoon on the table.

It is important that early feeding experiences are as LOW STRESS as possible for parent and baby. 

There Are Inherent Power Dynamics In Feeding

Babies and young children have very little control in their lives. A normal, typical part of development is desiring some control, independence and autonomy. We often see little ones exert control over the few areas that they can - those related to bodily functions. Eating, sleeping and toileting are the quintessential power struggles of early childhood (can I get an amen?!).

One of the biggest ways to prevent mealtime power struggles is to let children have as much control as possible from the beginning.

I know, I know, you're the grown up and know what's best. I can assure you your baby isn't doing the grocery shopping or meal prep any time soon so relax - you have total control over what types of food they're exposed to. But, whether you want to admit it or not, your child has ultimate control over what foods they eat. You can accept it and embrace it or you can spend years battling it. Letting your baby have as much control and independence at mealtimes from a very early age helps prevent power struggles down the road by meeting your child’s developmental needs.

Babies Develop Feeding Skills Through Practice

Stimulated by baby's oral experiences, the oral motor skills of feeding typically unfold in a somewhat predictable sequence and build on each other. Through opportunities to practice new oral motor skills and through gradual challenges that build on existing skills, babies safely master feeding skills. 

Your child will learn most effectively, safely and in the most positive environment when challenges are introduced gradually based on their progress.

THE CanDo Kiddo + Family APPROACH

Taking these factors into consideration, I recommend:

A Final Word About Baby Led Weaning

If the thought of handing your new eater big pieces of solids makes you nervous - you’re not alone. For many parents, BLW feels unsafe or anxiety-producing.

Many students of my Food Before One online course for parents describe my approach as "modified Baby Led Weaning," and that sounds about right to me.  The primary differences are the texture of baby's very first foods and the size of soft table foods offered. 

I completely respect every parent's right to choose how to feed your baby. If BLW feels comfortable and safe for you and your baby takes to it, go for it! My approach is a great fit for parents who aren't sure what approach to starting solids they want to take and want the opinion of a professional. Or for parents who are nervous about BLW. Or for those whose BLW experience hasn't felt pleasurable or safe. Or for parents whose babies aren’t taking to BLW well. Every baby is different so different approaches are important. 

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