Is This Normal? 30 Surprising Baby + Toddler Behaviors
How many times as a new parent have you wondered,
Is this normal?
Maybe you call your mom to ask her. Maybe you phone a friend. Maybe you post your question on Facebook or in the ubiquitous "Mom Facebook group".
I don't know your child, his birth story or developmental history. I'm not familiar with your family dynamics or daily routines. But I do know one thing - there are certain things babies and toddlers do that feel totally CRAZY but are very common and normal*. These are things that maybe your baby book forgot to mention. Or that no one warned you about. Consider this your warning, friends!
30 Surprising Baby and Toddler Behaviors
There is no precise science behind these wacky stages but I'll offer an age that they seem to be most commonly of concern to parents beside each one.
Occasionally crosses eyes. 1 month
Wakes every 2 hours or less through the night. 1 month
Eyes roll when falling asleep. 1 month
Chews and sucks hands, not necessarily related to teething. 3 months
Begins waking frequently in the night again. Skips, refuses or wakes early from naps. 4 months, 9 months, 18 months, 24 months
Occasionally gags on own hand. 4 months
Rocks head side to side or lifts and drops legs when falling asleep. 5 months
Rolls onto belly at night and can't figure out how to roll back. 5 months
Poops through all brands of diapers. 5 months
Seems quickly frustrated when on the floor for playtimes. 6 months or just before crawling
Poops less frequently. 6 months or introduction of solid food.
Bites while breastfeeding. 6 months
Grinds teeth. 8 months
Get stuck standing in crib and can't figure out how to sit back down. 10 months
Grabs faces and pokes eyes. 10 months
Pulls at ears when sleepy. 11 months
Throws food. And cups. And spoons. 12 months
Starts to tantrum when told no. 12 months
Pees through all brands of diapers at night. 12 months
Bites pacifier. 14 months
Makes himself gag - appears to be on purpose. 14 months
Screams or shrieks all day - in joy, in frustration, for no reason at all. 15 months
Puts hands in diaper area during changes. 15 months.
Suddenly despises the car seat - arches back, screams, thrashes like a wild animal. 17 months
Asks to be held more frequently. 17 months
Smacks, bites, pushes other kids. 18 months
Refuses foods that have always been preferred foods. Often follows parent stocking up on said preferred foods. 20 months
Wants to snack all day long. 24 months
Plays in dirty diaper or takes diaper off. 24 months
Has bad dreams or nighttime fears. 24 months
*While these behaviors and stages are common in typically developing young children, if they fit into a larger picture of less common or unusual behavior for your child or if you have concerns about your child's development, please consult a health professional who can assess your child individually.