Tummy Time in the Dark


If you've got a baby who doesn't love Tummy Time, one of my biggest recommendations and most successful strategies is to use NOVELTY

Novelty - introducing something new to explore during Tummy Time - gives your innately curious little squish more than a distraction, it provides engagement and learning.

You see, Tummy Time itself isn't a play activity - it's a position for play activities. So let's take a look at one simple play activity perfect for belly-down playtimes.


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Alright, to be fair, let's not exclude babies who like Tummy Time in this activity. This is a fun one for ALL babies.

All you'll need are some little battery-operated tea candles (keep these safely stored away from babies and kids when not in use - but you already knew that, right?). 

Ease baby into this activity by starting in a dimly lit room. Spread the tea lights on the floor in a good play area for baby. Once he's interested, flip off the lights and watch your little one visually explore his baby-friend light show. You can up the fun by doing this activity in front of a mirror.

This makes a great activity for squeezing in some last Tummy Time of the day as the sun goes down.  You might even have baby spa time - giving a lotion massage after bath as baby enjoys his belly-down light show. 

Closely supervise (eyes on baby within arm's reach) so that your baby doesn't grab or mouth the tea lights. 

Simple, developmental fun for your kiddo. And for you - the satisfaction of knowing you're helping your little one learn and grow.

Want an easy guide to developmental baby play?

Is your creativity zapped by sleep deprivation? Do you struggle to know what to do with your baby to promote healthy development? Here's your expert guide - featuring 45 simple ways to play with your infant plus how they can make your little one smarter and stronger. 

What other parents are saying:

"A must-own for new parents. Easy and creative activities for playing with your baby."

"A super fun book that my daughter and I have enjoyed trying activities from every day. I only wish I would have ordered it sooner!"

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