The 4 Biggest Myths About Head Flattening In Babies
More and more parents are noticing that their baby has a flat spot forming on the back of their head. In fact, some research suggests that close to 50% of babies have head flattening - which means if you notice some irregularity in your baby’s head shape, you’re not alone!
Not surprisingly, more and more physicians are referring babies for helmet treatment for Flat Head Syndrome / Positional Plagiocephaly.
But are helmets the only answer?
Is a flat head really a big deal?
Will your baby’s head round out on its own?
Is this a sign of some grievous failing as a parent?
(Isn’t it amazing how our brains just slip that last question in there?)
As a pediatric Occupational Therapist, I’m passionate about teaching parents about the prevention and early detection of Flat Head Syndrome.
The 4 Biggest Myths About Plagiocephaly :
Baby Head Shape Is Purely About Appearance
Nope. If it was purely about appearance, this child development nerd would find it far less fascinating.
A developing flat spot on a babies skull can be a red flag that the baby has tightness of the neck muscles or Torticollis.
It can be a warning sign that baby isn't getting enough opportunities for movement (this might be from something going on within baby’s brain or body or from the overuse of cute and convenient pieces of baby gear).
Plagiocephaly is correlated with tongue ties and other Tethered Oral Tissues.
In some cases, head flattening is an early warning sign of developmental differences such as low muscle tone or visual problems.
Research also shows that head flattening is associated with long-term vision problems, jaw problems and ear infections.
2. The Back To Sleep Campaign Is Solely To Blame
This myth is perhaps the most problematic in terms of spreading awareness of ways to prevent and manage Plagiocephaly.
Yes, the Back to Sleep / Safe to Sleep campaign does increase pressure on the back of the head and increase the risk of flattening, BUT it's not the only cause! By focusing on the one factor that’s nearly impossible to safely change, we overlook many important opportunities for preventing and managing head shape problems during babies' awake time.
3. More Tummy Time Is The Solution
I've yet to meet a baby who can, in the first 4 months of life do sufficient Tummy Time to offset the hours and hours they spend on their back sleeping. Tummy Time is one of SEVERAL really important positions that benefit babies. Variety in positioning is the key to preventing flat spots.
In The Flat Head Syndrome Fix, I introduce a simple way of thinking about your baby's positioning throughout the day that can prevent, stop and reverse head flattening. By fully understanding ALL the different positions your baby can be in and how to prioritize them, parents are able to confidently and playfully promote healthy development AND round heads.
4. The "Wait and See" Approach Works
The “Wait and See” Approach is in complete opposition to the conclusion of nearly every single research study of effective treatments for head flattening.
That fact was the biggest reason why I wrote The Flat Head Syndrome Fix. Since starting CanDo Kiddo I have heard every week from desperate parents who notice head flattening in their babies and desperately want to fix it. Their concerns have been brushed aside by a healthcare provider but their gut instinct is that there has to be something they can do other than "wait and see."
That gut instinct is right. I aim to give parents complete and accurate information about what causes head flattening and the strategies that have proven effective in preventing and treating it. As a fellow parent, I think we deserve the tools to give our babies the healthiest start possible. Want to learn a little more? I created a free email course for you:
Avoiding The Baby Helmet
Birth - 6 months // Free Email Course
Get expert tips every new parent should know about the power of different positions on your baby’s development during awake times.
Is Baby’s Plagiocephaly Your Fault?
Here at CanDo Kiddo + family, we believe that parenting isn’t deterministic. You don’t do x and y and always get result z. Two parents can do the exact same things and one might have a baby with Plagiocephaly and the other might not.
There are many non-preventable risk factors for head flattening (being a first-born or a multiple are just a few). There are also many “preventable” risk factors (preventable requires being informed of and mitigating these risk factors). There is no way to and no value to assigning blame for Plagiocephaly.
As you learn more about Plagiocephaly, you may become aware of things you’d like to change moving forward to address preventable risk factors. What an incredible parent you are to learn and change for your baby’s benefit!
You may become aware of things you can’t change because of your family life, your schedule, and your resources to address preventable risk factors. This isn’t because you’re a bad parent or you’re causing baby’s Plagiocephaly. This is your reality, your context, your life. Focus on what you can change and be proud of that. If you brought your baby to see me for treatment of Plagiocephaly, I would be so impressed at your new understanding of these myths and I would celebrate any changes you had made to address your baby’s head shape. So, do what you can do and stand proud, fellow parent!
Is my baby experiencing a variety of body positions throughout awake times?
Have I noticed any signs of asymmetry or flattening of my baby’s head?
"Not only did it give me the tools I needed to round out my son's flat spot (and get rid of his head turning preference), it was a surprisingly engaging and enjoyable book to read and I learned so much from it. My son is now 5 months old and his head is round! What a relief!"