Feel pressure to do something every day for your baby's development?
Ever bought more toys because you or your baby were bored?
Wonder if group storytimes or baby classes are important for learning?
What you need are ideas for developmental baby play that meet you right where you are now
…with the limited time you have
…with the stuff you already own
…with your once creative and enthusiastic brain that's now sleep-starved and maxed out.
That’s exactly why I wrote my Baby Play Book Series:
Creative Play For Infants
45 developmental play activities for new-to-the-world wigglers and Tummy Timers and rollers and wobbly almost-sitters
Easy Fun For Babies
40 developmental play activities for sitters, pull-to-standers, cruisers and wobbly almost-walkers
Pick The Book That Fits Your Family
What others are saying:
“I love all of the play ideas in your book, and feel so much more confident that I’m doing things that are beneficial for my baby. I love the way you explain things and the amount of detail you give. It helps me understand why we do things so that I can make good decisions. ”
“I found you when she was about three months old and I think your teaching really made a difference in her life because of the experiences I offered at home in addition to the support we have gotten from early intervention. My little guy is now three months old, and I’ve been using your book again and thinking warmly of the things you taught me with my first one.”
“I’ve used so many of the activities from your books at home with my own daughter (as well as the families I serve as well). Your knowledge and wisdom from being an OT is so needed in today’s parenting circles, but I also love the fact that you share research-based strategies straight from the heart with the reasons behind each one. ”
What You’ll Learn
Learn ways to stop worrying about your baby’s development and simply be here now with your baby having fun
Discover the secrets of your baby's development. Understand what your baby is really doing and learning in even the simplest of play
Learn simple tweaks to make Tummy Time fun for your baby
Find simple ways to connect with and make meaningful memories with your baby
Learn how household items you probably already own can be just as valuable (and fun) for baby play as pricey developmental toys
Gain confidence as a parent and give yourself way more credit for all ways you are giving your baby a wonderful start.